Pretty sad looking, huh?
This old Gooseneck Rocker is probably well over 100 years old and has seen more travel than most people. We don't really know where all it may have traveled before it came into Vern's possession, but he has had it since approximately 1983 and it has made its way from Texas to Minnesota to Illinois.
It's been in this sad condition for the past nine years as we could never figure out quite what to do with it. Most people would have figured out pretty easily what to do with it - set it out for the trash and have it hauled away.
But this chair had a promised attached to it. Vern got this from a fellow Air Force family when they were moving. The woman who owned it at the time was about 50 years old, and the rocker had originally been her grandmother's rocker. Her own mother had been rocked in this chair and it's pretty easy to say that her mother had rocked her and she had rocked her own children.
However, they were moving and just couldn't take the chair with them, so she entrusted it to Vern who had fallen in love with the comfy old chair. The only thing she asked was that he promise never to get rid of it.
And he has kept that promise. However, as the years went by, both time and frequent moves took their toll on the chair, and it was eventually nothing more than something in the garage that was always in the way.
Recently, quite by chance, I was given the name of an older gentleman in our area who does upholstery work, so we packed up the Gooseneck and took it to him, preparing ourselves to hear "I'm sorry, there's nothing that can be done to save her."
But Mr. Fritz (just Mr. Fritz - we never learned his first name) worked wonders on her. He brought her back to life and back to her original beauty.

I wish we had a way to let Sandra know that the promise has been kept and that her grandmother's chair is still being treasured.