Does that sound overly dramatic? It wouldn't if you were here. Vern is sick. Really sick. Sick enough to call in sick to work, which never happens. As a result, it's pretty easy to jump to the conclusion that I'll get sick too. It would be hard not to with all the coughing, hacking, and wheezing going on around here.
Surprisingly, there is very little whining going on. I think he's afraid I'll blog about it. I would never do that.
As a result, not much got accomplished on the house this week. We barely managed to make a decision on the flooring. I am, however, now an expert on all things tile. I can tell you the difference between ceramic tile, full body porcelain, porcelain glazed, slate, marble, and tumbled marble. I also understand PEI hardness ratings thanks to my husband's superior googling skills. I know all about underlayment, subfloors, and a new product called Ditra.
What I can't tell you is when this damn floor is going to get finished so we can install the cabinets.
Speaking of the cabinets, our kitchen designer came out here today, and although there are a few problems to be resolved, it's not nearly as bad as it was at first glance.
I'm pretty sure that no matter how long it takes get it resolved, the floor still won't be done. After all, it took us months just to make a decision. You don't seriously expect the installation to go quickly, do you?
So, since I have nothing to share in the way of photos of the remodeling progress, I'll share a few photos from Christmas.
This is a project that I gave a sneak peak of a while back. My dad is Scottish and very proud of his family heritage. Several years ago, I designed a flag of our family crest but it has gotten old and tattered, so I made some modifications to the design and made a new one for dad this year.

The finished project.

And here is my 85 year old dad opening some of his gifts. It's always so cute at Christmas, because he gets down on the floor to open gifts just like a little kid.
And last, but not least, we had a visit from the elves this year on Christmas Eve when they brought the traditional "Christmas Eve Jammies."
Now, I'm off to find the good drugs if Vern hasn't gotten to them first.
Just wanted to say hi! I saw your blog on your 2 peas siggie, but you also were my referal for the grocery game because of that awesome blog you had explaning it. Are you still doing it?
Hey Mistar! Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I still Grocery Game. I haven't updated that blog for quite a while because it's really just basic information. I should give it a quick cleanup for 2008 sometime soon though. GG has been weird for us because both of our grocery stores recently closed and they built new ones. So in between, they didn't restock the old stores - they just let things dwindle down. It got down to nothing but bare shelves at the end. Now that that's all over, I plan to get back into the swing of it completely once our kitchen remodel is done. Right now, things are a little tight in the kitchen area, as you can imagine!
Hey you two! Things are looking great down there except for the flooding. We are doing well up here as well, except for the bitter cold. We plan to start finishing our basement this spring and summer, so I like to look at all the joys that come with remodeling a home. I can't wait! Take care.
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