Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Good News and the Bad News
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Words you don't want to hear your husband say
Monday, October 29, 2007
So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye

P.S. The dogs already miss you.
0 HEY YOU! Stop in and say hi!
Labels: Family
Sounds like a good idea to me
First of all, we get up this morning with a bunch of calls to make, not the least of which is to someone to get out here and to fix our well (more on that particular gem later). No phone service. Instead, I’m routed to Verizon’s financial office where I’m informed I have a $200 past due balance. Odd, since just last week I received a bill that said I had a $150 credit. Even more odd because as I checked our bank account, regular payments have been made for the past, oh five years or so.
I’m connected with a man named Ken. Except that I later learn that Man named Ken is really a woman named Kenisha or something of the like. (Note to Ken/Kenisha - you have a masculine voice. Very masculine. I'd suggest at least giving your full name and not shortening it to "Ken") He/she kept insisting that there was a balance due for the past three months. He/she didn’t really care that I’ve only had the phones for one month and that it's virtually impossible to owe three months worth of charges on phones that you have only had for a month. He/she did not care that I’ve paid Verizon every single month for the past five years. He/she did not care that I held a credit statement in my hand. Instead Man/woman named Ken apparently did not like my tone the least little bit because he/she kept putting me on hold to “calm down,” which only served to make me madder.
Long story short, they are trying to find the money my bank has been sending them and they have apparently been misdirecting into another account. And I now have phone service.
But I still haven’t figured out if he/she is really a woman or a man.
Problem number two wouldn’t actually BE a problem if my husband was 6’5” tall. But he’s not. Not even close. Nor am I. However, the seat of his Jeep apparently prefers a tall driver because it moved itself back all the way and now won’t move forward. It is, of course, electronic, so there’s no fooling it. There’s also no driving it since neither of us can reach the pedals. So for now, we are driving MY Jeep, which I was informed was a crapmobile. But at least we can reach the pedals.
Oh, and finally the well. You didn’t think I’d forget the well did you? How could I when I took a dirt shower this morning. We’ve moved from water/air to air/dirt. It’s fan-frigging-tastic to wake up to that in the morning. Ironically, our neighbors just came over to borrow some water (ha – the joke was on them as I handed them our mud mix we now call water!) because their well and/or pump isn’t working. Sounds like a dry well situation to me. It also sounds like money wooshing out of our bank account.
The only thing that can make me feel better at this point is to spend money we don’t have. On something fun. So tomorrow, we order the cabinets. Screw Verizon, the car, and the well. I'm getting new kitchen cabinets and you can't take that away from me.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Brought to you by the letter F
Heading for the Home Plate
You can’t see the detail from this picture, but let me assure you that there are million dollar mansions that don’t have the detail put into them that this deck does. If there is a flaw in it when it is finished, I defy anyone to find it.
When it is finished being the operative phrase. That should give you all plenty of time.
More than the Memories
However, a recent “scandal” in the world of scrapbooking has caused me to rethink what it’s all about. Almost every scrapper will tell you that it’s about the memories. Memories for their children. Memories for future generations.
Somehow, though, that seems to have gotten skewed with who is bigger, better, and badder in the industry.
When it’s more about the furniture in your scraproom, it’s about more than the memories.
When it’s more about acquiring every latest and greatest product out there, it’s about more than the memories.
When it’s about the price of your camera and the professional quality of your pictures, it’s about more than the memories.
When it becomes more about who you are or who you know, it’s about more than the memories.
When you spend more time and money on recreating memories than in making new ones, it’s about more than the memories.
When it’s so closely tied to your identity that you are willing to cheat in a contest just to win it, it’s about more than the memories.
You may be able to tell yourself that it’s about the memories, but if any of the above makes you feel a little uncomfortable or need to defend yourself, then it’s about more than the memories.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I'm so sorry to do this to you
Knitty Gritty
The Mason Dixon Moderne Log Cabin afghan is still plodding along. I’m about halfway through block 7. Still a few more to go plus a border. I’m considering putting a fleece backing on it for some added warmth and durability.
The Gritty
It was time to mop again this week, so I opted for the jackhammer once again. At least we have a dumpster now to put the debris in. Did I mention that this house has miles of this tile? And yes, real women do know how to use a jackhammer.
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Jesse is a rock em, sock em, bang it in and worry about the details later kind of guy. Vern, on the other hand, needs a plan written in stone by God himself before he starts a project.
Now both types of personalities have their benefits and drawbacks, but when you put the two of them together, sometimes it calls for a do over.
Jesse set some of the foundation posts in cement earlier in the week. Last night, however, Vern apparently received his stone tablets with the Plan written on them, and the foundation posts that are already there just don’t fit into the Plan.
So now they are taking the time to undo some of the work and start that section over again. According to the Plan.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Hit the Deck
Finally, most of the undercarriage of the deck is done, and they have finally reached the point where they can start on the decking. There are still a few things to figure out for the base of the deck like the grill bump out and the wrap around steps, but I think the guys needed to see a little visual progress today.
Jesse will be here only four more days (wow, that has gone fast!) so I think the next few days (weather permitting) are going to be busy trying to complete the deck before he leaves.
Here’s a super simple crock pot recipe that we are having tonight and it’s just perfect for busy days and cool evenings. It’s always a hit at my house.
Italian Beef
Mix in crock pot:
1 (1 ¼ oz) envelope dry onion soup mix
1 t. oregano
1 t. red paper flakes
1 t. basil
1 t. dried parsley
1 large clove garlic, smashed
¾ cup water
3 lbs. Roast –(I usually use a rolled beef roast or a chuck roast – whatever is on sale!)
Cook on high all day, or until meat is tender. Turn it over every now and then if you can. If not, that’s okay too! Shred the meat, let it simmer in its own juice for a while, and serve on buns or hard Italian rolls.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Making the Grade

The deck itself is starting to progress. The guys had to spend a lot of time leveling the grade so that it would drain away from the house and towards the creek. The plants and shrubs had to come out, lots of digging and measuring, and finally, the footings were poured in concrete. The house may blow down, but the deck is going nowhere. The next time there is a tornado, I’m heading for the deck.

Monday, October 22, 2007
What a Dump

We decided to rent a dumpster so that we could finish knocking out all of the ceramic tile in the entire house and get rid of other general construction debris without totally pissing off our regular trash haulers. We put it in front of the shop so that it doesn’t make our house look
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Moderne Log Cabin - Block 4
Just so you don't think that the guys are the only ones getting things done around here!

Have a Heart Attack. . . On a Plate
Here’s what I’m taking to the party. It’s my favorite dip and one I affectionately call Heart Attack on a Plate. It may clog your arteries, but it is oh so worth it.
1 cup mayo
1 cup sour cream
1 lb. bacon fried crisp and crumbled
1 medium tomato, chopped
Mix all ingredients, chill, and serve on pieces of toast or crackers.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Hole in the Wall
Hole-in-the-wall: n., a) a small and insignificant place;
b) Small, insignificant, difficult to find.
I don’t care how Webster defines it, I define it as progress.
Today was a day of progress. The window and wall in the kitchen was removed and a hole just the right size for our new door was cut through the brick. Soon there will not only be a door here, but also a deck. This is just one of the very first steps of our kitchen remodel. (If you look to the right of the hole, you can even get a sneak peek of the wall colors we are thinking of for our new kitchen.)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
You are in a Time Out

Ever the optimist, I cast on a new project. Right now, it just looks like a rectangle. Actually, now that I think about it, even when it’s finished, it will still be a rectangle, just a much larger and more colorful rectangle.

I cast on the first square of the Mason Dixon Moderne Log Cabin afghan. I’m using some of the Patons Highland Chunky (acrylic/wool blend) that I picked up at Michaels for $1 per skein, so it’s also going to be a cheap rectangle. I wanted something very washable and very soft for snuggling on the sofa next to the fire, and this is just the ticket.
I also wanted an easy knit that I can do when my brain is fried, I want to engage in conversation, or I want to multi-task while knitting. Said multi-tasking may or may not involving drinking of the aforementioned wine.
It doesn’t look like much now, but give me a week. Or a month.
Let’s just hope I don’t need a bigger time out corner because the sweater is already looking lonely.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Come On Baby, Light My Fire
Speaking of the fireplace, now is a good time to showcase the changes that we made to the fireplace last year.
We have a massive 19 foot wide limestone fireplace. Beautiful, but a bit of a decorating challenge. The big problem, however, was that you might as well have thrown $20 bills in to burn because it was so inefficient. It had such a wide flue that it brought in more cold air than it could put out warm air. And there was no blower to circulate the heat in the room. All that 1970 style doors.
It was a whole lot of ugly.

We purchased an enclosed fireplace insert and installed it last year. Now we can heat several rooms just with the heat from the fireplace.

Jackson, our chocolate lab, gives his approval.

Hammer Time
Jackhammer that is. (I am trying to keep it clean around here, but I do thank my sister-in-law for her many suggestions for the title of this thread!)
We have miles of ceramic tile in this house. All through the kitchen, the bathroom and down the hallway. Ugly, white ceramic tile.
I figure I don’t have to mop it if I jackhammer it out of here, right?
Don’t tell my husband, but I’m kind of having fun with this!
P.S. Thank you for the kind thoughts, comments, and emails about my dad. His surgery went relatively well with only a few minor complications and as of yesterday, he was feeling pretty well.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Road Trip

Sunday, October 7, 2007
I’m Going to Let You in on a Little Secret
A “secret recipe” that is.
Just trust me on this, okay? If you want an easy, low fat, filling, recipe that will win friends and influence people, you do not want to miss this one. I know it looks like a lot of stuff, but really, it’s not and I bet you have everything on hand right now.
You cannot screw this up . . . unless you add something funky like leftover lunchmeat. So don’t do that. But pretty much everything else goes.
A Whole Lot of Salsa Going On Chicken Soup
Skin, bone, and cut in 1” chunks (or buy it already done for you!)
3 whole chicken breasts
Heat in heavy pot/dutch oven
1 T. canola oil
Add chicken to pot, along with:
2 C. chopped onion
1 C. green pepper, chopped
2 large clove garlic, minced
¾ cup water
Sprinkle with a little salt; Saute, stirring occasionally, until chicken turns white:
2 cans (14 oz) Mexican or Chili-style tomatoes (I like to use Rotel, even though they are smaller cans – I just use 3 cans or add more salsa.)
2 cans (15 oz) pinto beans, undrained
¾ cup chunky style salsa (I usually add more salsa – and we prefer HOT salsa, but any kind is okay!)
1 T. lemon juice
1 t. chili powder
1 t. ground cumin
1 t. salt
1 t. sugar
2 cans (15 oz) Chicken Broth (or fresh stock if you have it or equal amount of Chicken bullion)
Cover, and simmer for 20 minutes (or more if time permits – or you can wait!)
Serve with tortilla chips, shredded cheddar or Mexican cheese, sour cream, etc.
(Can thicken with 2 T cold water and 1 T cornstarch while cooking if you like thicker soup)
You can add as much, or as little chicken, salsa, beans, onions, peppers, etc. as you want. Make it thick or thin. It's all good.
But don't add old, leftover lunchmeat. You would think this goes without saying, but sadly, it doesn't in some cases.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Let’s Get a Little Dirty Now
All It Needs is a Disco Ball
Sparkly popcorn ceiling.
Photos just don’t even do it justice so I didn’t bother.
Just trust me on this one. If your home improvement store sells glitter next to the ceiling texture - - - just say no.
1 HEY YOU! Stop in and say hi!
Labels: House
The Object of My Affection
Who knew that pointy wood could give me so much pleasure???
These little beauties are the latest and greatest from Knit Picks and are called Harmony. They fit the same interchangeable cords as the original nickel Options, but they are oh so much different. They are appropriately named Harmony because let me tell you – they will make your yarn sing.
I’ll quit before I embarrass myself even more. Besides, I hear my Harmonies calling me from the other room.
There’s a Stud in my Kitchen
In all seriousness (I know, what’s the fun in that?) it’s better than the wall that was there before. The wall that housed the washer and dryer and the refrigerator. Everyone loves to do laundry in the kitchen.
That same wall kept every bit of light out of our house. And it kept us isolated from the entire world . . . or at least our street. Now with the wall gone,
In fact, most of this wall is going to completely disappear. We just have to do a little reinforcement because it’s a support wall. And then it comes down completely and the new island will be front and center in that space.
Hello sun. Welcome to my kitchen!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Every House Needs a Porch
One of the quicker projects that we have completed is our front porch. It may have been quick, but it made a pretty large impact.
Doesn't that look much more welcoming?
Now I actually feel like we have a real porch. I even got three white rocking chairs for Mother’s Day so now I can sit out there and watch the neighbors relax and knit.
We still plan on updating the lighting, adding some shutters, and changing around some of the landscaping, but that's going to have to wait for a year or two. We don't want the neighbors to think we are spending ALL of the Uno fortune at once.
0 HEY YOU! Stop in and say hi!
Labels: House
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
It's our House-A-Versary
We’ve lived here four years today. You would think one would be settled by that time, but not us.
We moved from here:
When you look at the reasons on paper, the new house fits:
Sunroom with spa – check
Extra building for Vern’s shop - check
Closer to work for Vern - checkLots of open, flat acreage – check
Creek running through the property – check
Smaller ranch style house that is easier to maintain – check. SCREECH. Wait. Easier to maintain? If it’s easier to maintain, why are we still working on it?
Like I said, on paper, it fits. In reality, not so much.
But still – four years. That’s 1,460 days. 35,040 hours. You would think that we would have accomplished a little more.
Sure, we’ve finished some projects, although most aren’t obvious to the naked eye.
We did have that nasty car accident that took several months out of our lives for doctors’ appointments and rehab. (My husband is a very good scrapbooker's husband because he remembered that we had a disposable camera in the car and continued to take pictures while they were extricating me from the car and onto a stretcher.)
And then there were those two transplants I had. Never ending doctors’ visits to Chicago for those. It has been three years for one eye and two years for the other, and I don’t even have the stitches out yet.
Life also got in the way – family stuff, kid stuff (I think we helped our daughter move three times in those four years), vacations (not nearly enough of those), cash flow issues (not nearly enough of that either), and just life in general.
But, we’re now on the fast track to finish this house. Or at least put a wrap on the biggest part of it. Nine months. If I could grow a human being in nine months, surely we can get some closure on some of these outstanding projects.
Here’s what we have finished already:
- The front porch
- The master bedroom
- The drainage/sump pump issue that flooded our basement
Oh. My. God. That’s it? That’s all we’ve actually FINISHED? This isn’t looking good.
On the other hand, we’ve started a lot. More than a lot. Pretty much everything else is in some state of undoneness (pretend it’s a word because it fits, okay?)
Here’s what we have to start and/or finish:
- Sunroom
- Family room
- Pantry
- Laundry room
- Second bathroom
- Deck
- Kitchen
- Dining room (formerly known as the living room)
- Main bathroom
- Guest room
- Craft/sewing room
- Shop
Okay then. That should take a while.
Did I mention that we are doing all of the work ourselves? Just the two of us? Although if you go by the pictures, it’s really just one of us, because Vern can’t seem to get a photo of me working on any projects that actually identifies that it’s truly me. He seems incapable of actually capturing me both looking at the camera and working at the same time.
1 HEY YOU! Stop in and say hi!
Labels: House